THCV – The Uncommon Cannabinoid Many People Don’t Know About

THCV – The Uncommon Cannabinoid Many People Don’t Know About

The cannabinoid THCV is gaining popularity among both scientists and cannabis consumers. Although its medicinal potential is intriguing, this chemical is extremely uncommon and only found in trace concentrations in some cannabis strains. Can we expect THCV to gain as much traction as CBD and THC?

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is related to THC, but it has a unique effect. To get high on THCV, you need to take in quite a bit of it. The cannabinoid has a humidifying effect at low doses.

In the past, THCV was only obtained from a few numbers of rare landrace and wild-type plants. As a result of breeding improvements, today’s hybrids provide stronger and more desired effects at less doses. In the following paragraphs, you will discover the essential information regarding this trending cannabinoid and the recommended strains for experiencing it.

The THCV Is…


The chemical structures and effects of THCV and THC are quite similar. But THCV has special molecular features that have unexpected effects on the human body. There may be a number of practical applications for these interactions. While further study is needed, this cannabinoid shows promise as a component of innovative therapies for a wide range of medical canabis problems.

What Is the Origin of THCV?

In spite of the fact that THCV appears to have originated from the same place as the other cannabinoids, it really involves a separate set of chemicals. Cannabigerovarin acid (CBGV-A) is one of two cannabinoids that THCV develops from. The other is CBGA, the progenitor of THC, CBD, and CBC.

Similar to how CBGA is metabolized, CBGV-A is transformed into THCV-A (tetrahydrocannabivarin acid) by enzymes. Decarboxylation is the process by which THCV-A is changed into THCV. In a nutshell, that’s what happens when you turn up the heat or put it in the sunshine.

Exactly how Does THCV Differ From THC?

The fundamental chemical difference between THCV and THC is that the molecule of THCV has only three carbon atoms, whereas the molecule of THC contains five.


When compared to THC, THCV’s psychoactive effects can be comparable, with the potential for a more intense and psychedelic high, but one that wears off more quickly.

THC and THCV both act on CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system. Although THCV, like THC, can operate as an agonist at high dosages, at lower quantities it acts as an antagonist at the CB1 receptors.

This suggests that a low concentration of THCV can mitigate the intoxicating effects of THC. Negative effects of THC, such as anxiety, paranoia, elevated heart rate, and even excess hunger, may be mitigated at low dosages. In contrast, THCV becomes psychotropic at greater dosages because it acts as an agonist for CB1 receptors (like THC).

THCV has a higher boiling point than THC, coming in at a respectable 220 °C (428 °F). Due to the high temperature, various cannabinoids and terpenes may be burned out while vaping high-THCV concentrates, therefore this must be taken into consideration.

To what extent does THCV work?

However, THCV research lags behind that of other cannabinoids. THCV is similar to other chemicals in this class in that it may attach to receptors in the brain and the immune system. This communication may have a variety of curative effects on the human body.

Some studies, such as one published in the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, show it may have appetite-suppressing properties via modulating the brain’s reward and aversion systems, which are linked to overeating and eating disorders.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the participants’ subjective ratings were used to determine the brain response to rewarding and unpleasant food-related stimulation in this double-blind investigation.

Low dosages of THCV (acting as a CB1 antagonist) increased their brain responses to unpleasant stimuli while decreasing those to food rewards. While further studies are needed to confirm these findings, they do point to a therapeutic role for THCV in the fight against obesity.

In addition, research on diabetic patients showed that THCV dramatically lowered fasting plasma glucose in type 2 diabetes patients, also enhancing pancreatic function, suggesting that THCV may contribute to processes regulating blood sugar levels.

Can THCV Get You High?

Presently, there is a dearth of research reports on the mental impacts of THCV. However, present knowledge informs us that the THCV molecule’s effects are dosage dependent.

The effects of THC can be mitigated by low dosages of THCV, much like CBD, while large doses of THCV can induce feelings of euphoria that come on more swiftly than those of THC and wear off just as quickly. And most THCV-rich strains are said to provide a brief high of explosive intensity, without much of a sedative effect.

Advantages that THCVs Might Provide

Although current laboratory data do not prove viable therapeutic applications, THCV shows promise in lowering anxiety, sadness, and post-traumatic stress disorder as well as controlling hunger. Much additional research is required, in addition to feedback from users, to confirm any possible advantages.

What about the lawfulness of THCV? Do Drug Tests Detect THCV?

In many nations, it is not quite clear if THCV is legal. Although THCV is not included in the worldwide Convention on Psychotropic Substances, its chemical structure is so close to that of THC that it may as well be treated as an equal. Consequently, you may face serious consequences for being caught in possession of cannabis in nations that take a more restrictive approach to the issue.

There are currently no THCV-specific drug tests available, and it is unclear if THCV would show up on a standard drug test. This cannabinoid’s typically low prevalence in cannabis strains renders it useless as a credible biomarker of cannabis usage. Therefore, THCV should not be confused with THC on a drug test, but this cannot be confirmed.

Is THCV Available Anywhere?

The current cost to extract this cannabinoid is high because most typical strains only have 1% THCV. Pure sativa landraces from Africa and Nepal have produced hybrids with higher THCV content.

One of the major difficulties for cannabis breeders is creating hemp strains with high THCV and low THC levels, and there are already a few cultivars with intentionally high THCV and THC levels.

When choosing a strain for THCV, pure sativa genetics are a good bet, but keep in mind that cannabinoid concentration varies per harvest. In turn, it’s important to remember that THCV production is enhanced in environments that mimic tropical temperatures.

Is the Future Bright for THCV?

The demand for THCV continues growing, but investigating its effects is hampered by its scarcity and outmoded restrictions.

Like other cannabinoids, THCV has promise for medicinal applications, but additional study is needed to confirm this. While not the ideal option for people seeking to avoid any form of high, THCV might be a new recreational drug in its own right.

Is there a chance that this cannabinoid may eventually overtake the current top two? We don’t know what the future holds, but we’re optimistic about it.

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